Nativity of Our Lord

Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ December 25 - "Meet Christ at the Nativity" By St. John
The Church now calls us to meet Christ, Who comes from heaven. What can
we do in order to meet Him like the Magi, and not like Herod? “Ye that
desire life, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking
guile. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” It
tends to be hard to do this; we are weak when it comes to everything
But the Son of God even came for this: in order to strengthen us. Not
for naught was He born in Bethlehem, which signifies “the house of
bread.” He feeds us with heavenly food, His flesh. “God, the Lord and
Creator of all, as a babe in the flesh, is worshipped in a poor manger,
crying out: Eat My body and through faith be made steadfast.”
These words of the divine Babe are directed to us. Let us hearken to His
call! Let us follow the Magi; let us hasten with the shepherds! Our
Churches are now that cave of Bethlehem. Not illusory, but in reality
does He, Who is now being born in His most pure flesh, rest in them. Let
us worship Him; let us offer as a gift our thoughts and desires; let us
confess our sins, and let us taste of His immaculate Body and precious
Whoever did not do this earlier, let him at least accomplish it now,
when the star of Bethlehem is already shining! Our minds will be
enlightened and the heart will hear: “Glory to God in the Highest, and
on earth peace, good will among men!”
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

I behold a strange, most glorious mystery!
Heaven-the cave! The cherubic throne-the Virgin! The manger-the place
where Christ lay, the uncontainable God, Whom we magnify in song!